Photoessay: “Whoever has money has no taste, whoever has taste – no money.”

In the workshop of Zamin the Sculptor

”Çalışmışam heç vaxt əsəbi halda iş görməyim. Əsəbi iş gördüyüm zaman, bu, mütləq heykəldə öz əksini tapacaq”
”Çalışmışam heç vaxt əsəbi halda iş görməyim. Əsəbi iş gördüyüm zaman, bu, mütləq heykəldə öz əksini tapacaq”

Sculptor Zamin Rzayev was born in 1989 in Nakhichevan. His parents made sure he had the necessary resources to develop his talent for drawing, which he developed at an early age.

Later, he turned to clay as his artistic medium. He later entered the Academy of Art, where he would spend most of his time in the workshop studying his craft.

According to Zamin, there’s nothing hard or difficult about art – one simply has to love one’s work in order for it to seem easy.

“In order to create a sculpture, sometimes you need a few months. You can, of course, turn one out in a shorter period of time, but it won’t be as successful a piece as you might have wanted. When I am creating, new ideas constantly come to my mind. And every time I make better and better additions to the piece I had originally conceived of. This in turn inspires me for other works.

If a rich but tasteless person begins to tell me how to go about the job, I lose my inspiration rather quickly. Currently, whoever has money doesn’t have taste – and whoever has taste doesn’t have money. That’s why I’d like to improve my financial situation in the future, so as to be able to gift sculptures that I’ve made with love to people with good taste.”

Zamiq günün çox hissəsini bu otaqda işləməklə keçirir
Zamin spends much of his time working in this room
Yeni heykəl hazırlamaq üçün naturanın qolunu ölçərək, hazırlayacağı heykələ uyğunlaşdırır
Zamin measures the arm of a model for his next piece
Naturadan qeyd etdiyi qolun ölçüsünü yeni hazırlayacağı heykəlin üzərinə tətbiq edir
Zamin measures the arm of his sculpture
Günün çox hissəsi bu gilləri müxtəlif formaya salmaqla keçir
He spends much of his day giving form to clay
Müxtəlif ölçülü heykəllər hazırlamaq üçün həm güc, həm səbr həm də iradə tələb olunur
Zamin uses special instruments to make changes to the sculpture
Zamiq heykələ əlavələr etmək üçün xüsusi alətlərdən istifadə edir
Zamin carves away at one of his newest pieces
Zamiqin hazırladığı heykəllərdən biri Rəssamlıq Akademiyasının foyesində yerləşdirilib
One of Zamin’s sculptures against the background of the Academy of Art
ГлавнаяPhoto seriesPhotoessay: “Whoever has money has no taste, whoever has taste – no money.”