Journalist Aytan Farhadova was questioned on July 25 in the Investigation Department for Grave Crimes. According to her, the interrogation lasted about four hours.
As reported by Aytan Farhadova, she was interrogated in connection with the criminal case of the arrested journalist Afgan Mukhtarli and the Internet news resource Meydan TV.
“As in previous times, they asked the same traditional questions, but this time they were more detailed”. However, the journalist was unable to disclose more information.
Aytan Farhadova was interrogated as a witness.
As has already been reported, the case of Afgan Mukhtarli has been united with the case against Meydan TV.
In this case, journalists Aynur Elgunesh, Izolda Aghayeva, Sevinj Vagifgizi, Aytaj Akhmadova, Khadija Ismailova, Islam Shikhali, Natig Javadli, current and former Musavat party leaders Arif Hajili and Isa Gambar have already been questioned.