Imprisoned Azerbaijani scientist on hunger strike threatens suicide if subjected to force-feeding

Fazil Qasımov. Foto: Meydan TV

Istanbul University doctoral student and scientist Fazil Gasimov, who was detained in Turkey and extradited to Azerbaijan in August 2023, has reportedly been on a hunger strike for over 90 days in prison.

This was reported to Meydan TV by human rights activist Rufat Safarov, executive director of the “Defense Line” human rights organization.

Safarov says that the 34-year-old scientist is facing death, and if no action is taken, he may lose his life in the next few days.

“According to the information I have, his weight has already dropped to 35 kilograms. It is not difficult to understand what this means. The government is destroys a scientist, an intellectual.”

The human rights defender added that despite the fact that his life is in danger, Fazil Gasimov does not intend to stop his strike.

On the contrary, considering the possibility of his death, he said that if the authorities tried to force-feed him, he would commit suicide.

Gasimov’s lawyer Rovshana Rahimli also says that his condition is very serious.

Fazil Gasimov is accused of colluding with the former chairman of the Azerbaijan Democracy and Welfare Party, economist Gubad Ibadoglu.

Gubad Ibadoglu was detained on July 23, 2023, he was charged with smuggling. The police state that they found 40,000 Dollars in the party’s office, some of which the police report is counterfeit.

However, the accused economist said that the money had nothing to do with him and that the policemen themselves placed it there and then took it away.

Shortly after Gubad Ibadoglu’s arrest – on August 8, Fazil Gasimov was detained in Turkey and brought to Azerbaijan. He was also charged with the same article.

It was claimed that Fazil Gasimov obtained the counterfeit money in Turkey and gave it to Gubad Ibadoglu, who brought it to Azerbaijan.

They are also accused of having links with FETÖ (Fetullah Gülen Terrorist Organization). However, both deny the accusations and say that they were arrested on political orders.

On the day of his arrest, Gubad Ibadoglu said that he was arrested on the order of President Ilham Aliyev when he was taken out of the building after the search.

He was released from prison on April 22. On May 14, about 20 days after he was put under house arrest, a decision was made to suspend the activities of the Azerbaijan Democracy and Welfare Party (ADR), of which he was the chairman.

The Board of Directors of ADR explained the suspension of the party’s activity due to non-registration.

Although Gubad Ibadoglu was released under house arrest, this preventive measure was later replaced by “handover to police custody”.

Ibadoglu has written a letter he posted on social media today, begging Gasimov to end his hunger strike.

The case of Fazil Gasimov is being considered at the Baku Serious Crimes Court.

He told the court that during the investigation, he was subjected to various pressures including torture, such as being beaten, having his head shoved in a toilet, and being threatened with rape by other prisoners.

ГлавнаяNewsImprisoned Azerbaijani scientist on hunger strike threatens suicide if subjected to force-feeding